New Friends for Life by Isaac Wilson

If I were to choose my favorite experience from over the short term mission trip. I would have to choose the great time I had with my good friends, whom I hope to see after this whole Covid-19 thing blows over.
Anyways I’m gonna tell you about some of my favorite bonding moments over the short term mission. My personal favorite moment of bonding and fellowship, was probably when we were sitting at the dinner table at the pastors house we were there for about an hour to an hour and a half everyone had a chance to talk and relax. It was truly a time to bond with my fellow teenagers and that I was also able to get some very important and great conversations with the adults, I was glad to know that I could trust the adults there as much as my own mom.
Another great part about the trip was when we went to the cultural site even though it was Roman architecture it was very interesting to see how the people there had integrated it into a way for them to teach about their own culture it was a great time and was a great way to bond and learn about everything that had happened in the early times of there country.
If you ask me this trip was a fantastic way to meet locals, experience tradition and bond with fellow team members as I said in the beginning I really hope that when this whole Covid-19 stuff blows over I can come and visit all my good friends from Fredericton.