Soft Ball & Sharing by Ragnar Oborn

I experienced many high points on our mission trip to the DR. Our softball game the second day there is one that has stayed with me more than two months later. Pastor Miguel and his church were excellent hosts such that they had arranged recurring events to serve and interact with Dominican residents. But many of these were more scripted encounters of worship or evangelism focus. But the softball game was a time to meet, relax, and enjoy one of the DR favorite activities – baseball/softball. While we had our softball game, others in the community showed up and after the ‘official’ game was over, these people in the community wanted to play. So our driver for the week (Freddie) and these others made two teams and played another game and I joined with them. It was a great opportunity to meet local people and share a fun experience with them which is part of their cultural rhythm.
In doing so I also got to know on a more personal basis several who were not Christians but were peripherally connected with our host church. That day I became friends with Freddie our driver and Jonathan, one of our guides. It reminded me that though the gospel advances through proclamation and service (which we did), another important aspect is to also just ‘be among’, as that softball game enabled me to be among some local Dominicans and share some laughs together. This is an application for us even here, back home, as much of our society needs Christ followers simply to be among them.