Reaching Out by Working Out by Jacob Oborn

At the church we were serving at in La Romana I was surprised to discover that there was a gym on the roof. The church had three floors and the roof is a flat, open space where the church put some weights, benches and artificial grass. One evening after supper the pastor asked if any of us would like to work out. Jorja, Marie, Robin and I said that we would like to. The pastor was our coach and he gave us some strengthening exercises to do. As we were working out I noticed that Pastor Miguel had a short leg. Even with a disability he was working out with us and showing us what to do. As a matter of fact, he was quite strong and could do many push-ups and pull ups. I learned that even if you have a disability you can overcome it and do many things.
The gym is used regularly by members of the community in the cool of the evening. The gym is a way for the pastor to do outreach in the community in a tangible way where he uses his interests, gifts and abilities as well as the facilities God has given him to serve the people around him. The church becomes not just a place to go on Sunday to worship, but a community outreach facility that also does homework clubs and Saturday morning kids club. Christians and non-Christians meet at the church in a welcoming space that we had the privilege to enjoy and benefit from.

(Genesis one of our translators is in the white blouse. )